棱镜通讯 No.37

2021/05/24 14:09






最后,他还是一位产业发明家, 凭借其超前的战略眼光,在一片沙碱地上开创出了兰考的“泡桐”产业,让当年全中国最贫困的县,摇身变成了如今全国最大的民族乐器生产基地,产值高达20多亿元,远销到海外十几个国家和地区。






What do near-death experiences mean, & why do they fascinate us?

At the University of Kentucky, the neurologist Kevin Nelson, who, like Greyson, has spent years recording NDEs as a kind of academic side-gig, thinks of the experiences as “a blending of two states of consciousness – wakefulness & REM sleep – during a time of great physical or emotional danger,” & argues that many NDEs are “dream-like”, existing in a neurological “borderland”.

Greyson writes: “I take seriously the possibility that NDEs may be brought on by physical changes in the brain,” though he also accepts that the mind might be able to function “independent” of it.

To Greyson, the impact near-death experiences have on people’s lives has been his most surprising discovery. “I make a living by trying to help people change their lives,” he says. “It’s not easy to do. But here I’ve found an experience that, sometimes in a matter of seconds, dramatically transforms people’s attitudes, values, beliefs, & behaviours.” Often, these changes persist over decades. In most instances, experiencers realise they are no longer afraid to die, which “has a profound impact on how they live their lives”, because “you lose your fear of life as well – you’re not afraid of taking chances.”

The Rise Of The Appuccino: How TikTok Is Changing StarbucksTikTok如何改变星巴克

“To teens, Starbucks remains a place where you can act (a bit) like a grown up & you can be a space with minimum adult supervision (especially if you can pass for white.)” said Simon. “Parents on the other hand basically trust the brand (trust the price points & locations will filter out the wrong kinds of people.)”
The TikTok effect is significant: Owen, a barista in Nashua, New Hampshire, told BuzzFeed News that there was a time last summer where a viral TikTok drink — iced white mocha with cold foam & caramel drizzle — was so popular that it accounted for about 1 in 5 drinks he made during the afternoon shift.









Why We Speak More Weirdly at Home为什么我们在家说话更古怪

Familects help us feellike family. Private in-group language fosters intimacy & establishes identity . In a study on the use of idiosyncratic terms among couples, researchers found that personal language nurtures a feeling of closeness & often appears in attempts for connection or reconciliation. When people use familect terms, they reinforce the stories, rituals, & memories that hold them together as a group. “Every time they use that phrase, they are pointing to all the previous uses of it,” Gordon said. “It reaffirms their ‘familyness’ in a way. It re-creates their relationship.”

While living under the weight of what can feel like constant, history-shaping upheaval, we might be tempted to dismiss these words as frivolous, at-times-embarrassing artifacts of everyday life. But everyone I spoke with valued their familect. They delighted in sharing it. They saw it as an intimate extension of their home. As we talked, I could feel the energy between us shift, a mixture of pride & vulnerability, as they trusted me with the family dictionary. Gordon told me that sharing one’s familect is also the act of welcoming outsiders into one’s clan. “The truth is,” she said, “moment by moment, in everyday language use, we create our families.”

Motoi Yamamoto Made 100,000 Sakura Petals From Salt in Memory of His Family


Space race 2: Russian actor bound for ISS in same month as Tom Cruise

Hollywood star is aiming to be first to shoot a feature film in space, but Russia has launched rival bid



视频:The Golden Ratio: Is It Myth or Math?黄金比例:是神话还是数学?


视频:(中英字幕)对话伯特兰·罗素 (1952)


山东省和河南省 签订了《黄河生态保护协议》,规定从河南流入山东的黄河水,如果水质改善一个等级,山东给予河南6000万元补偿资金;如果恶化一个等级,河南给予山东6000万元补偿资金。


The Disgusting Food Museum, which opened in 2018, is the brainchild of Samuel West, a forty-seven-year-old psychologist who was born in California & has lived in Sweden for more than two decades. In 2016, during a trip to Zagreb, Croatia, he wandered into the Museum of Broken Relationships. As he studied the remnants of strangers’ failed romances—photos of hookup spots; a diet book that a woman received from her fiancé—West came up with an idea for a museum dedicated to failed business products & services. A year later, in Helsingborg, Sweden, he opened the Museum of Failure, where the takeaway was simple: blunders are the midwives of success. One example on display at the museum was the Newton, a personal digital assistant released by Apple in 1993. Its shoddy handwriting software & exorbitant price nearly torpedoed the entire company, but its sleek black design eventually inspired the iPhone. The exhibits also included Bic for Her, a line of pens, from 2011, that were designed for women; DivX, a 2003 trademark for “self-destructing” DVDs that could be watched for only forty-eight hours; a collection of Harley-Davidson perfumes, from the mid-nineties; & Trump: The Game, a Monopoly ripoff released in 1989.


  1. 机器学习模型的耗电量越来越大。目前,最复杂的模型 GPT-3,要使用 1,287 兆瓦的电能,相当于大型水电站的发电量,运行一次产生552公吨的二氧化碳排放量。— 《谷歌否认 AI 模型的低效率》
  2. 莫名想到了卡尔维诺的《树上的男爵》,柯希莫最后抓住了那个热气球,消失在天空中,到死也没有回到地面,或许遗言就想这样,以一种未知的方式,轻飘飘地消失在人们的视野中
  3. 和人相关的服务性的内容,你无法指望这个行业形成一个自律的行业规范去推出一个标准化的服务,让你去享用。 ——via 弗兰克扬
  4. 「编辑」基本上是很孤独的作业,编书、编杂志都一样,完全没差别。杂志规模越大,参与制作的人数越多,但最终判断还是应交由总编一人去做,杂志才会产生个性。反过来,如果感觉不到总编的招牌风格,杂志不会有趣。
  5. 旅行不是为了看到不同的事物,而是为了学会不同地看待事物。(You don’t travel to see different things, you travel to see things differently.)— Ben Davenpor,风险投资家
